An Overview of Our Academics
Holy Spirit Prep offers a classical Catholic education that includes not just reading, writing, and arithmetic, but all of the seven liberal arts: grammar, logic, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy. These traditional arts form the mind to understand the truth of reality and eloquently express the truth discovered. This foundation is fulfilled in the study of Divine Revelation, as we receive it in Sacred Scripture and Tradition and as taught by the Catholic Church. A Holy Spirit Prep student is formed for truth, so that he or she might have the prudence to live well in this life, so as to accept the gift of grace and life everlasting in the next.
At the same time, Holy Spirit Prep prepares students to succeed at the university, in their careers, and in their vocations. Our course of study is unique in offering the classics alongside AP courses, theology with practical courses in life dynamics, and athletics along with the best of the fine arts.
This approach to academics includes not just reading, writing, and arithmetic, but all of the seven liberal arts: grammar, logic, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy. These traditional arts form the mind to understand the truth of reality and eloquently express the truth discovered. This foundation is fulfilled in the study of Divine Revelation, as we receive it in Sacred Scripture and Tradition and as taught by the Catholic Church. A Holy Spirit Prep student is formed for truth, so that he or she might have the prudence to live well in this life, so as to accept the gift of grace and life everlasting in the next.
Holy Spirit Prep offers a classical Catholic education that is focused on rigorous academics grounded in truth and excellence. Our approach to education develops the whole person: intellectually through the liberal arts, morally through formation in virtue, and spiritually through an encounter with Christ in his teaching and sacraments. Our students are formed with a curriculum that shapes the minds and hearts by engaging with great books, profound ideas, and inspiring beauty.
Institute for Excellence in Writing
Hear directly from our families and faculty
Our Approach to Education
The Holy Spirit Preparatory School approach is grounded in five central commitments:
This means that our students study diverse subjects within the liberal arts tradition, receive instruction in the faith, and are encouraged to practice physical education that equips them to live their best life – Mens sana in corpore sano!
Our curriculum emphasizes the essentials of writing, thinking, and argumentation (the Trivium) through studying selections from the Great Books. The academic rigor across our programs encourages a strong work ethic and prepares students for whatever vocation they are called to.
From preschool art to high school philosophy, every subject we teach is imbued with a wonder for God’s creation and a recognition that He loves each of us and has created us for a purpose. We believe that every human being is created in God’s image and thus endowed with rational and moral faculties, which the Catholic Faith can guide us in developing.
Our Lord Jesus said, “How is a man the better for it, if he gains the whole world at the expense of losing his own soul?” We desire not only for our students to succeed at HSP and beyond, but to have a healthy spiritual life guided by a love for Christ.
He is the way, the truth, and the life. We teach our students that the universe is intelligible because it proceeds from the Divine Author. Our students learn the perennial truths preserved through the millennia by the saints, and in this process, they learn to recognize, seek, and desire Truth Himself.
“No one in the world can change Truth. What we can do and should do is to seek truth and to serve it when we have found it.” – St. Maximilian Kolbe
Classical education is rooted in the Trivium: grammar, logic, and rhetoric. Together, these three areas of study enable us to communicate effectively and think critically about the world around us. In teaching our students to master the Trivium, we equip students to preach the Gospel in whatever sphere God has placed them, whether they are priests, politicians, engineers, or artists!
6 Months - PRE-Kindergarten
At the Preschool level, all classes study the same curriculum and celebrate Feast Days together. We believe that each child is created in the image of God, and have fashioned a compassionate learning environment that best encourages and challenges our youngest students.
5 specials (STEM, Art, Music, Creative Movement, Faith)
60+ students
3 before and after school programs
Weekly visits to the chapel

Kevin and Ellen Twomey
Our family's faith and academic life has never been stronger. We are arm-in-arm with the others to raise holy, virtuous kids.
Kindergarten to grade 5
Lower School
Our Lower School provides students with an authentically classical Catholic education from Kindergarten - 5th grade. We cultivate a nurturing environment where students can grow in their relationship with Christ and develop the skills needed to succeed in school, and in life.
All teachers and assistants trained in the Orton Gillingham method
All students play an instrument
Students attend Mass weekly
81% of students participate in athletics
Program Highlight
Institute of Excellent in Writing

Amy Wingate
Our children are truly flourishing in the environment! We are pleased with the quality of education, the friends they have made, the teachers, the helpfulness and kindness of everyone on the team, and the wonderful priests on the campuses. Go Cougars!
Grade 6 to 8
Middle School
For many students, Middle School is a time of tremendous growth and change – intellectually, emotionally, physically, socially, and spiritually. At HSP, our goal is to make these years formative, fun, memorable, and enriching.
Block schedule provides more instructional time in core classes
Multiple course levels to support varied learning levels
All students either play an instrument or sing in choir
92% of students participate in athletics

Don Hoyer
My goal as a History teacher at Holy Spirit Prep is to guide students as they develop their reading, writing and critical thinking skills, broaden their appreciation of the art, culture, philosophy, and literature that has formed our modern world, and recognize God's Providence at work through the course of History so that students confidently embrace their role in the world bolstered by the rich tradition of our Faith.
Holy Spirit Prep Middle School
Developing well-rounded thinkers who seek God and seek to make a difference
Grade 9 to 12
High School
The High School program at HSP provides students with a variety of experiences inside and outside the classroom that test their knowledge. We encourage them to think critically and not conform to the ways of the world.
Average class size of 15
Academic elective tracks in Liberal Arts, STEM, or Fine Arts
Students can attend Daily Mass before school and weekly Mass as a high school
16 Varsity sports teams

Anthony Haskin
Working at the school, I can see the Holy Spirit at work in the students, and I am humbled to be an instrument in forming them in the Catholic faith.